Morgan, Stephen L. ed., Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research, (2013)


Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research)

Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research)


1 Introduction (Stephen L. Morgan)


Part I Background and Approaches to Analysis
2 A History of Causal Analysis in the Social Sciences (Sondra N. Barringer, Scott R. Eliason, Erin Leahey)
3 Types of Causes (Jeremy Freese, J. Alex Kevern)


Part II Design and Modeling Choices
4 Research Design: Toward a Realistic Role for Causal Analysis (Herbert L. Smith)
5 Causal Models and Counterfactuals (James Mahoney, Gary Goertz, Charles C. Ragin)
6 Mixed Methods and Causal Analysis (David J. Harding, Kristin S. Seefeldt)


Part III Beyond Conventional Regression Models
7 Fixed Effects, Random Effects, and Hybrid Models for Causal Analysis (Glenn Firebaugh, Cody Warner, Michael Massoglia)
8 Heteroscedastic Regression Models for the Systematic Analysis of Residual Variances (Hui Zheng, Yang Yang, Kenneth C. Land)
9 Group Differences in Generalized Linear Models (Tim F. Liao)
10 Counterfactual Causal Analysis and Nonlinear Probability Models (Richard Breen, Kristian Bernt Karlson)
11 Causal Effect Heterogeneity (Jennie E. Brand, Juli Simon Thomas)
12 New Perspectives on Causal Mediation Analysis (Xiaolu Wang, Michael E. Sobel)


Part IV Systems of Causal Relationships
13 Graphical Causal Models (Felix Elwert)
14 The Causal Implications of Mechanistic Thinking: Identification Using Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) (Carly R. Knight, Christopher Winship)
15 Eight Myths About Causality and Structural Equation Models (Kenneth A. Bollen, Judea Pearl)


Part V Influence and Interference
16 Heterogeneous Agents, Social Interactions, and Causal Inference (Guanglei Hong and StephenW. Raudenbush)
17 Social Networks and Causal Inference (Tyler J. VanderWeele and Weihua An)


Part VI Retreat from Effect Identification
18 Partial Identification and Sensitivity Analysis (Markus Gangl)
19 What You Can Learn fromWrong Causal Models (Richard A. Berk, Lawrence Brown, Edward George, Emil Pitkin, Mikhail Traskin, Kai Zhang, and Linda Zhao)






Gallie, Duncan, Social Inequality and Class Radicalism in France and Britain, (1983)


Social Inequality and Class Radicalism in France and Britain

Social Inequality and Class Radicalism in France and Britain



1. Social inequality and class radicalism

Part one Conceptions of class inequality
2. Class awareness and class identity
3. The conflict of class interests
4. Political power and class inequality
5. The national patterns

Part two Sources of proximate determination
6. The power structure of the firm
7. The influence of the trade unions
8. The influence of the political party
9. The power structure of the firm, the trade unions and the parties of the Left: discussion

Part three Elements of historical reconstruction
10. The revolutionary tradition
11. The agrarian roots of working-class radicalism: an assessment of the Mann/Giddens thesis
12. War and the crisis of legitimacy










Razzu, Giovanni, ed., Gender Inequality in the Labour Market in the UK, (2014)


Gender Inequality in the Labour Market in the UK

Gender Inequality in the Labour Market in the UK


1. The Wider Context
2. The Macroeconomic Context: Gender Business Cycle
3. The Gender Pay Gap in the UK Labour Market
4. The Transition from Education to Work: A Focus on Subject Choices
5. Occupational Segregation: Its Vertical and Horizontal Dimensions
6. Household Production and the Labour Market





O'Sullivan, Siobhan and Mark Considine, Contracting-Out Welfare Services: Comparing National Policy Designs for Unemployment Assistance, (2015)


Contracting-out Welfare Services: Comparing National Policy Designs for Unemployment Assistance (Broadening Perspectives in Social Policy)

Contracting-out Welfare Services: Comparing National Policy Designs for Unemployment Assistance (Broadening Perspectives in Social Policy)


Contracting-out Welfare Services: Comparing National Policy Designs for Unemployment Assistance is an edited collection focused on the design and re-design of welfare-to-work systems around the world. The welfare state has undergone a radical change over the past 30 years. Nowhere have the changes been more fundamental, and the results more pronounced, than in relation to welfare-to-work, employment services privatization, and jobseeker activation.

This book represents a new standard in the field of employment services scholarship; authors from around the world, all experts in the field, draw on a much longer intellectual legacy, in particular New Public Management; social policy; public policy; activation;the welfare state; the third sector; flexsecurity ;mission drift; and quasi-markets. This book confirms employment services delivery as a discrete field of research, and uses employment services as a case study to advance understanding inrelation to a host of broader principles and concepts.

Each of the papers included in this book utilises anational/program case study, and each considers employment servicespolicy in general, and activation practices in particular; essaysstand as unique and standalone contributions to the literature, andcombined, present a significant contribution to scholarship, and practice, in this important field.


Introduction: Contracting-out Welfare Services - Comparing National Policy Designs for Unemployment Assistance

1 Worlds of Marketization - Employment Policies in Germany, Italy and the UK Compared

2 Varieties of Market Competition in Public Employment Services - A Comparison of the Emergence and Evolution of the New System in Australia, the Netherlands and Belgium

3 Governance, Boards of Directors and the Impact of Contracting on Not-for-profit Organizations - An Australian Study

4 Quasi-markets and the Delivery of Activation - A Frontline Perspective

5 Conditionality and the Financing of Employment Services - Implications for the Social Divisions of Work and Welfare

6 Support for All in the UK Work Programme? Differential Payments, Same Old Problem

7 Broken Hierarchies, Quasi-markets and Supported Networks - A Governance Experiment in the Second Tier of Germany's Public Employment Service

8 The Public Accountability of Privatized Activation - The Case of Israel








OECD, Connecting People with Jobs: Activation Policies in the United Kingdom, (2014)

OECD, 2014, Connecting People with Jobs: Activation Policies in the United Kingdom, OECD Publishing.

This report examines recent activation policies in the United Kingdom aimed at moving people back into work. It offers insight into how countries can improve the effectiveness of their employment services and also control spending on benefits. The United Kingdom's policies have helped limit the rise in unemployment during the crisis. It has been at the forefront of reform efforts by OECD countries to transform and modernise policies designed to help the unemployed find work, through major new programmes such as Universal Credit and the Work Programme. Although time is needed for these to gain momentum as well as for a full evaluation of their impact to be carried out, the report identifies a number of areas where consideration should be given to additional measures or adjustments to existing ones.


Chapter 1. The background to active labour market policies in the United Kingdom
Chapter 2. Unemployment and related benefits
Chapter 3. the role of the UK Public Employment Service in job brokerage and activation strategies
Chapter 4. Quasi-market arrangements in the UK Work Programme

このリポートでは、人々を仕事に戻すことを目的とする、イギリスにおける近年のアクティベーション政策を検討し、国々がどのようにして雇用サービスの効率性を高め、福祉給付支出をコントロールすることができるかを考察する。経済危機の間、イギリスの政策によって、失業率の上昇は抑制された。イギリスは、Universal Credit(UC)やWork Programmeなどの新しいプログラムを導入しようとしており、失業者への就労支援政策を転換して、現代化しようとするOECD諸国による改革の努力の最前線にある。これらの政策が勢いを得て、そのインパクトを十分に評価できるようになるためには時間が必要であるが、このリポートでは、現在の政策に対して、どのような領域で、どのような追加的な措置や調整が与えられるべきかを考えるための情報を提供する。

イギリスの福祉給付システムは複雑だけど、その内容や、歴史的展開、近年の状況や新しい制度的仕組みなどが詳しく説明されている。UCは、2010年にその導入が告知されて、導入のための準備が進んでいるのだそう。UCは、低所得者への税額控除、住宅補助、子育てへの補助など、様々にあった福祉給付を統合し、システムを単純化させることを目的にしている。また、仕事に就いたり、より長い時間働いたりすることへの強い金銭的インセンティブを創出することを目指している。これは、近年、Personal Tax Creditsを含む非年金者への福祉給付の支出が上昇していることと関係しているという。UCは、今のミーンズテスト付きのほとんどの福祉給付を置き換えるのだそうだ。

一方、イギリスでは、就労可能な福祉受給者の素早い再統合を促進するアクティベーション政策の長い歴史がある。Work Programmeは以前にあったの20のwelfare-to-workプログラムを置き換えるために、2011年に政府によって導入された。ただし、Work Programmeは、以前からのブラックボックスアプローチ(サービス提供者がどの種類のサービスや介入を提供するかを自由に決定する)を踏襲している。したがって、提供者のインセンティブ、成果の測定、市場構造を向上させるための、 Department for Work and Pensions(DWP)による積極的なガバナンスの必要、と述べられている。

Gallie, Duncan, ed., Resisting Marginalization: Unemployment Experience and Social Policy in the European Union, (2004)


Resisting Marginalization: Unemployment Experience and Social Policy in the European Union

Resisting Marginalization: Unemployment Experience and Social Policy in the European Union

  • 作者: Iain Begg,Gallie Duncan,Torild Hammer,Herwig Immervoll,Thomas Kieselbach,Duncan Gallie
  • 出版社/メーカー: Oxford Univ Pr on Demand
  • 発売日: 2004/06/03
  • メディア: ハードカバー
  • この商品を含むブログを見る

This book breaks new ground by bringing together recent research into the determinants of marginalization risks for the unemployed and research into new social policies for combating marginalization. It examines the major controversies about how far entrapment in unemployment is due to resource constraints, motivational problems, or skill deficiency. It examines the forms that new policies have taken, the way they vary between EU countries, and the effects they have had on the life experiences of the unemployed. Its central concern is how far the new policies developed in the 1990s, in particular the spread of activation and welfare-to-work policies, address the major sources of vulnerability of the unemployed. The chapters draw on the results of a number of major comparative research programmes funded by the European Commission. These provide for the first time rigorous comparative data across a range of different countries. They bring together the insights of researchers from different disciplines: economists, jurists, social-psychologists, and social policy analysts.

1. Unemployment, Marginalization Risks, and Welfare Policy
2. Unemployment, Poverty, and Social Isolation: An Assessment of the Current State of Social Exclusion Theory
3. Psychology of Unemployment and Social Exclusion: Youth Unemployment and the Risk of Social Exclusion
4. Gender Differences in Employment Commitment among Unemployed Youth
5. What Difference does a Job Make? The Income Consequences of Joblessness in Europe
6. Skills and Unemployment
7. Economic Redundancy: The Paradoxes of Exemplary Protection
8. The Development of Workfare within Social Activation Policies
9. The Experience of Activation Policies
10. Policy Responses to Marginalization: The Changing Role of the EU





Gallie, Duncan, Serge Paugam and Sheila Jacobs, "Unemployment, Poverty and Social Isolation: Is there a vicious circle of social exclusion?", (2003)

Gallie, Duncan, Serge Paugam and Sheila Jacobs, 2003, "Unemployment, Poverty and Social Isolation: Is there a vicious circle of social exclusion?", European Societies 5(1): 1-31.

The concept of social exclusion implies that there is a downward spiral in which labour market marginality leads to poverty and social isolation, which in turn reinforce the risk of long-term unemployment. The evidence in favour of this view hitherto has been largely restricted to cross-sectional data that assess the degree of association between labour market position, poverty status and patterns of sociability. In this article we seek to test more rigorously the implied causal argument by exploring the relationship between these factors over time. The article first explores whether the transition from employment to unemployment heightens the risk of poverty and social isolation, and then turns to the issue of whether poverty and social isolation significantly affect the length of time it takes people to leave unemployment for a job. It draws on data from the European Community Household Panel, which provides longitudinal data for most of the EU member states, for the period 1994 to 1996. The article concludes that there is strong evidence that poverty contributes to a vicious circle of exclusion. Unemployment increases the risks of poverty and poverty in turn makes it more difficult for people to return to work. However, there is no clear support for the view that social isolation is directly caused by unemployment. Rather the risk of social isolation is contingent upon broader cultural patterns with respect to household structure and local sociability, which differ considerably between countries. Furthermore, there was no significant effect of any of the types of sociability studied on the time that it took people to re-enter employment. The article concludes that a concern for the implications of unemployment for social exclusion should focus primarily on the problem of poverty.


社会的排除の概念は、労働市場の周辺性が貧困と社会的孤立をもたらし、それが今度は長期に渡る失業リスクを高める、という下降スパイラルの存在を含意している。これまで、この見解を支持する証拠は、労働市場における地位と貧困の状態、社会性のパターンがどれほど関連しているかを評価する、クロスセクショナルなデータに限定されていた。この論文は、これらの要因の時系列に渡る関係を探求することによって、これまで含意されてきた因果関係の議論をより厳密に検証する。まず、雇用された状況から失業状況への移行が貧困と社会的孤立のリスクを高めるかどうかを検証し、次に、貧困と社会的孤立が、人々が次の仕事を見つけて失業から抜け出る期間に有意に影響を与えるかを検討する。この論文は、1994~1996年のthe European Community Household Panelのデータを利用する。この調査は、ほとんどのEU加盟国を対象とした、縦断的データである。分析の結果、貧困が排除の悪循環をもたらすという頑強な証拠があることがわかった。失業は貧困のリスクを高め、貧困は、人々が仕事に戻ることを難しくする。しかし、社会的孤立が失業によって直接的にもたらされるという見解は支持されなかった。むしろ、社会的孤立のリスクは、世帯構造や地域での交際に関する、より広い文化的パターンによって異なっていた。そして、このようなパターンは国によって大きく異なっている。さらに、この論文で検討されたタイプの社交性は、人々が再び雇用されるまでの時間に有意な影響を及ぼしていなかった。したがって、社会的排除に対して失業が持つ意味を研究する際には、貧困の問題に主に焦点を当てるべきである。