"Rent-sharing and Collective Bargaining Coverage: Evidence from Linked Employer–Employee Data"

Guertzgen, Nicole, 2009, "Rent-sharing and Collective Bargaining Coverage: Evidence from Linked Employer: Employee Data", The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 111(2): 323-349.


Using a linked employer;employee dataset, this paper analyses the relationship between firm profitability and wages. Particular emphasis is given to the question of whether the sensitivity of wages to firm-specific rents varies with collective bargaining coverage. To address this issue, we distinguish sector- and firm-specific wage agreements and wage determination without any bargaining coverage. Our findings indicate that individual wages are positively related to firm-specific quasi-rents in the non-union sector and under firm-specific contracts. Industry-wide wage contracts, however, are associated with a significantly lower responsiveness of wages to firm-level profitability.

データは、The IAB Establishment Panelとthe Employment Statistics Registerを使用。前者から企業の情報を得て、後者からは労働者の情報を得ている。821の事業所の333,045人の労働者のデータ。全部で1,305,705人のデータ。すごい。

分析の結果、ユニオンのないセクターと企業レベルの交渉制度のもとでは、労働者の賃金は企業特有の疑似レント(quasi-rents defined as value-added minus the opportunity cost of labour)と正の関係があった。

