
Cameron, A. Colin and Pravin K. Trivedi, "Microeconometrics Using Stata", (2010)

Microeconometrics Using Stata, Revised Edition作者: A. Colin Cameron,Pravin K. Trivedi出版社/メーカー: Stata Press発売日: 2010/04/08メディア: ペーパーバック クリック: 1回この商品を含むブログ (5件) を見るなかなか網羅的で勉強になる。ウェイト…

Alderson, Arthur S., Jason Beckfield, and François Nielsen, "Exactly How Has Income Inequality Changed?: Patterns of Distributional Change in Core Societies", (2005)

Alderson, Arthur S., Jason Beckfield, and François Nielsen, 2005, "Exactly How Has Income Inequality Changed?: Patterns of Distributional Change in Core Societies", International Journal of Comparative Sociology December, 46: 405-423.the L…

Krinsky, John, "Free Labor: Workfare and the Contested Language of Neoliberalism", (2008)

Free Labor: Workfare and the Contested Language of Neoliberalism作者: John Krinsky出版社/メーカー: Univ of Chicago Pr (Tx)発売日: 2008/03/30メディア: ハードカバーこの商品を含むブログを見る1990年代、ニューヨーク市の市長であったジュリアーニ…

Stephen Edgell, "The Sociology of Work: Continuity and Change in Paid and Unpaid work, 2nd ed.", (2011)

The Sociology of Work作者: Edgell S出版社/メーカー: SAGE Publications Ltd発売日: 2011/12/16メディア: ペーパーバックこの商品を含むブログを見る 1 The Historical Transformation of Work 2 Work and Alienation 3 Work and Deskilling 4 Work, Upski…

Rudi Volti, "An Introduction to the Sociology of Work and Occupations, 2nd ed.", (2011)

An Introduction to the Sociology of Work and Occupations作者: Volti R出版社/メーカー: SAGE Publications, Inc発売日: 2011/12/07メディア: ペーパーバックこの商品を含むブログを見る 1 Work before Industrialization 2 The Organization of Work in …


Relative Distribution Methods in the Social Sciences (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences)作者: Mark S. Handcock,Martina Morris出版社/メーカー: Springer発売日: 1999/09/01メディア: ハードカバーこの商品を含むブログ (1件) を見るIneq…

Joel F. Handler, "Social Citizenship and Workfare in the United States and Western Europe: The Paradox of Inclusion" (2004)

「社会的シティズンシップ」の観点から、アメリカとヨーロッパのワークフェア政策を検討。Social Citizenship and Workfare in the United States and Western Europe: The Paradox of Inclusion (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society)作者: Joel F. Handl…

"The Impact of Deunionisation on Earnings Dispersion Revisited"

Addison, John T., Ralph W. Bailey and W. Stanley Siebert, 2007, "The Impact of Deunionisation on Earnings Dispersion Revisited", Research in Labor Economics, Volume 26, 337-363.イギリスにおける賃金格差の拡大に与える「脱組合化」のインパクト…