
Jonsson, J.O., C. Mood, and E. Bihagen, "Income inequality and poverty during economic recession and growth: Sweden 1991-2007," (2013)

Jonsson, J.O., C. Mood, and E. Bihagen, 2013, "Income inequality and poverty during economic recession and growth: Sweden 1991-2007," GINI Discussion Paper 60, Amsterdam: AIAS. この論文は、1991~2007年のスウェーデンを事例にして、所得格差の…

Goldthorpe, John H., "Back to Class and Status: Or Why a Sociological View of Social Inequality Should Be Reasserted", (2012)

Goldthorpe, John H., 2012, "Back to Class and Status: Or Why a Sociological View of Social Inequality Should Be Reasserted", Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas, Issue 137, p201-215. Of late, issues of social inequality have a…

Mandemakers, J. J. and C. W. S. Monden, "Does the effect of job loss on psychological distress differ by educational level?", (2013)

Mandemakers, J. J. and C. W. S. Monden, 2013, "Does the effect of job loss on psychological distress differ by educational level?" Work, Employment and Society, 27(1): 73-102. We examine the impact of involuntary job loss on psychological …

Gallie, Duncan ed., Economic Crisis, Quality of Work, and Social Integration: The European Experience, (2013)

Gallie, Duncan ed., 2013, Economic Crisis, Quality of Work, and Social Integration: The European Experience, Oxford University Press. Economic Crisis, Quality of Work, and Social Integration: The European Experience 作者: Martina Dieckhoff…

Wanrooy, Brigid van, et al., Employment Relations in the Shadow of Recession: Findings from the 2011 Workplace Employment Relations Study, (2013)

Wanrooy, Brigid van, Helen Bewley, Alex Bryson, John Forth, Stephanie Freeth, Lucy Stokes, Stephen Wood, 2013, Employment Relations in the Shadow of Recession: Findings from the 2011 Workplace Employment Relations Study, Palgrave Macmillan…

Oesch, Daniel, and Jorge Rodríguez Menés, "Upgrading or polarization? Occupational change in Britain, Germany, Spain and Switzerland, 1990–2008", (2011)

Oesch, Daniel, and Jorge Rodríguez Menés, 2011, "Upgrading or polarization? Occupational change in Britain, Germany, Spain and Switzerland, 1990–2008", Socio-Economic Review, 9(3): 503-531. We analyse occupational change over the last two …

Williams, Mark, "Occupations and British Wage Inequality, 1970s–2000s", (2013)

Williams, Mark, 2013, "Occupations and British Wage Inequality, 1970s–2000s", European Sociological Review, 29(4): 841-857. Although there was a ‘massive rise’ in British wage inequality, relatively little is known about the relationship b…

Savage, Mike, et al., "A new model of social class? Findings from the BBC's Great Class Survey experiment", (2013)

Savage, Mike, Fiona Devine, Niall Cunningham, Mark Taylor, Yaojun Li, Johs. Hjellbrekke, Brigitte Le Roux, Sam Friedman, and Andrew Miles, 2013, "A new model of social class? Findings from the BBC’s Great Class Survey experiment", Sociolog…

Checchi, Daniele and Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa, "Labour Market Institutions and the Personal Distribution of Income in the OECD", (2010)

Checchi, Daniele and Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa, 2010, "Labour Market Institutions and the Personal Distribution of Income in the OECD", Economica, 77: 413-450. A large literature has studied the impact of labour market institutions on wage i…

Fourcade, Marion and Kieran Healy, "Classification situations: Life-chances in the neoliberal era", (2013)

Fourcade, Marion and Kieran Healy, 2013, "Classification situations: Life-chances in the neoliberal era", Accounting, Organizations and Society, 38 (2013) 559-572. This article examines the stratifying effects of economic classifications. …

Addison, John T., Ralph W. Bailey and W. Stanley Siebert, "The Impact of Deunionisation on Earnings Dispersion Revisited", (2007)

Addison, John T., Ralph W. Bailey and W. Stanley Siebert, 2007, "The Impact of Deunionisation on Earnings Dispersion Revisited", Research in Labor Economics, Volume 26, 337-363. This paper examines the effects of union change in Britain on…

Chen, Wen-Hao, Michael Förster and Ana Llena-Nozal, "Determinants of Household Earnings Inequality: The Role of Labour Market Trends and Changing Household Structure", (2013)

Chen, Wen-Hao, Michael Förster and Ana Llena-Nozal, 2013, "Determinants of Household Earnings Inequality: The Role of Labour Market Trends and Changing Household Structure", LIS Working Paper Series, no. 591. This article assesses various …


佐野陽子,1984,「雇用機会均等への労働経済分析――差別拡大装置としての年功賃金制」『日本労働協会雑誌』306: 2-12. 小野旭,1987,「熟練仮説か生活保障仮説か」『経済学研究』28号,一橋大学研究年報 小野旭,1989,『日本的雇用慣行と労働市場』東洋経…


仕事と不平等の社会学 (現代社会学ライブラリー 13)作者: 竹ノ下弘久出版社/メーカー: 弘文堂発売日: 2013/12/09メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)この商品を含むブログ (3件) を見る 本書は、現代社会における社会階層と不平等について考察するとき、様々な…