
Kim, ChangHwan and Arthur Sakamoto, "Assessing the Consequences of Declining Unionization and Public-Sector Employment", (2005)

Kim, ChangHwan and Arthur Sakamoto, 2010, "Assessing the Consequences of Declining Unionization and Public-Sector Employment: A Density-Function Decomposition of Rising Inequality From 1983 to 2005", Work and Occupations 37: 119-161. This …


アメリカ労働法 第2版 (アメリカ法ベーシックス)作者: 中窪裕也出版社/メーカー: 弘文堂発売日: 2010/01/30メディア: 単行本 クリック: 2回この商品を含むブログを見る 第1章 アメリカ労働法の歴史 第1節 苦闘の時代(19世紀後半〜1920年代) 第2節 労働法制…

Nee, Victor and Richard Swedberg eds.,The Economic Sociology of Capitalism, (2005)

The Economic Sociology Of Capitalism作者: Victor Nee,Richard Swedberg出版社/メーカー: Princeton Univ Pr発売日: 2005/07/05メディア: ペーパーバック クリック: 1回この商品を含むブログ (6件) を見る Introduction by Victor Nee and Richard Swedber…

Harris, Angel L., Kids Don't Want to Fail: Oppositional Culture and the Black-White Achievement Gap, (2011)

Kids Don't Want to Fail: Oppositional Culture and the Black-White Achievement Gap作者: Angel L. Harris出版社/メーカー: Harvard University Press発売日: 2011/06/13メディア: ハードカバーこの商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る 1. Introduction to Opp…

Nee, Victor and Sonja Opper, Capitalism From Below: Markets and Institutional Change in China, (2012)

Capitalism from Below: Markets and Institutional Change in China作者: Victor Nee,Sonja Opper出版社/メーカー: Harvard University Press発売日: 2012/06/19メディア: ハードカバーこの商品を含むブログを見る 1. Where Do Economic Institutions Come …

OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills

OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills Chapter 1. The Skills Needed for the 21st Century Chapter 2. Proficiency in Key Information-Processing Skills among Working-Age Adults Chapter 3. The Socio-Demographic…

Morgan, Stephen L. and Christopher Winship, Counterfactuals and Causal Inference, (2007)

Counterfactuals and Causal Inference: Methods and Principles for Social Research (Analytical Methods for Social Research)作者: Stephen L. Morgan,Christopher Winship出版社/メーカー: Cambridge University Press発売日: 2007/07/30メディア: ハー…

Traxler, Franz, Sabine Blaschke, and Bernhard Kittel, National Labour Relations in Internationalized Markets, (2001)

National Labour Relations in Internationalized Markets: A Comparative Study of Institutions, Change, and Performance作者: Franz Traxler,Sabine Blaschke,Bernhard Kittel出版社/メーカー: Oxford Univ Pr on Demand発売日: 2001/03/22メディア: ハ…