Traxler, Franz, Sabine Blaschke, and Bernhard Kittel, National Labour Relations in Internationalized Markets, (2001)

National Labour Relations in Internationalized Markets: A Comparative Study of Institutions, Change, and Performance

National Labour Relations in Internationalized Markets: A Comparative Study of Institutions, Change, and Performance

Part One: The Theoretical and Methodological Framework of Analysis
1. Theoretical Perspectives on Internationalization, Performance, and Institutions
2. Concepts and Hypotheses
3. Measurement, Data, and Statistical Analysis

Part Two: The Organization of Interests: Patterns and Dynamics
4. Concepts and Hypotheses
5. Representational Domains
6. Associational Centralization
7. Associational Power

Part Three: Wage Regulation and Bargaining
8. Concepts and Hypotheses
9. The Levels of Bargaining
10. Macroeconomic Wage Coordination
11. The Role of the State
12. The Coverage of Collective Bargaining

Part Four: Labour Relations and Economic Performance
13. Concepts and Hypotheses
14. The Organization of Interests
15. Wage Regulation
16. Labour Relations and their Interaction with Economic Policy
17. Performance and Labour Relations: Hypotheses and Evidence Revisited

Part Five: Instead of Convergence: Neoliberalism and Lean Corporatism as Alternatives
18. Internationalization, Performance, and the Prevalence of Path Dependency
19. Collective Action and Bargaining in Internationalized Markets
20. Coordination, Institutions, and Performance
21. The Metamorphoses of Labour Relations

この本は、"Internationalization, Labour Relations, and Competitiveness"というプロジェクトの成果として出されたもの。
