
Checchi, Daniele and Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa, "Labour Market Institutions and the Personal Distribution of Income in the OECD", (2010)

Checchi, Daniele and Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa, 2010, "Labour Market Institutions and the Personal Distribution of Income in the OECD", Economica, 77: 413-450. A large literature has studied the impact of labour market institutions on wage i…

Fourcade, Marion and Kieran Healy, "Classification situations: Life-chances in the neoliberal era", (2013)

Fourcade, Marion and Kieran Healy, 2013, "Classification situations: Life-chances in the neoliberal era", Accounting, Organizations and Society, 38 (2013) 559-572. This article examines the stratifying effects of economic classifications. …

Addison, John T., Ralph W. Bailey and W. Stanley Siebert, "The Impact of Deunionisation on Earnings Dispersion Revisited", (2007)

Addison, John T., Ralph W. Bailey and W. Stanley Siebert, 2007, "The Impact of Deunionisation on Earnings Dispersion Revisited", Research in Labor Economics, Volume 26, 337-363. This paper examines the effects of union change in Britain on…