Traxler, Franz and Bernd Brandl, "Collective Bargaining, Macroeconomic Performance, and the Sectoral Composition of Trade Unions", (2010)

Traxler, Franz and Bernd Brandl, 2010, "Collective Bargaining, Macroeconomic Performance, and the Sectoral Composition of Trade Unions", Industrial Relations, 49(1): 91-115.

Strong exposed-sector unions and weak public-sector unions are seen as having beneficial effects on macroeconomic performance. Although these effects must work through the bargaining structure, the interaction with union composition is unclarified. This paper argues that the interaction effect qualitatively differs with the bargaining type. The findings show that the performance of pattern bargaining significantly increases with growing exposed-sector union strength whereas uncoordinated bargaining and centrally coordinated bargaining do not interact with union composition.

輸出セクターの組合が強く、パブリックセクターの組合が弱いと、マクロ経済的パフォーマンスに便益をもたらす。このような効果は、賃金交渉の構造(wage bargaining structures)を通じて作用するが、組合の構成(union composition)との相互作用は明らかにされていない。この論文の分析結果によれば、輸出セクターの組合が強くなるほど、交渉構造の1つであるパターンバーゲニングのパフォーマンスはよくなる。一方、脱中心化した賃金交渉と、中央で調整された交渉は、組合の構成と交互作用しない。


