Devinatz, Victor G., "Organizing Workfare Workers as Contingent Employees: Lessons from the New York City “Work Experience Program” Worker Unionization Campaign, 1996–1997", (2013)

Devinatz, Victor G., 2013, "Organizing Workfare Workers as Contingent Employees: Lessons from the New York City “Work Experience Program” Worker Unionization Campaign, 1996–1997", Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal,25(1): 1-21.

The stated goal of the nation’s largest workfare program, New York City’s “Work Experience Program” (WEP), is to provide welfare recipients with adequate training and relevant job experience so that they can successfully compete for work in the private sector. When it became apparent that the program was not living up to its stated ideals, the workfare workers began a union organizing drive late in 1996. However, the city administration formally opposed the unionization campaign on economic grounds and by arguing that workfare workers were not employees per se. In this article, I argue that workfare workers are a type of contingent public sector employee, discuss and analyze the New York City WEP worker unionization campaign and provide recommendations how this drive could have used the idea that workfare workers are contingent public sector employees in pursuit of a potentially more successful outcome.

ニューヨーク市ワークフェアプログラム、Work Experience Programで労働に参加させられた福祉受給者は、適切な訓練や教育、指導を受けずに、劣悪な環境で働いていた。この論文は、1996年から1997年にかけての、WEP労働者の組織化運動を分析したもの。

筆者は、「ワークフェア労働者は、ある種の臨時的公的セクター雇用者(contingent public sector employee)」と見なすべきと主張し、ワークフェア労働者の組織化がより成功するための方法を提案している。

