Gallie, Duncan, In Search of the New Working Class: Automation and Social Integration Within the Capitalist Enterprise, (1978)

Gallie, Duncan, 1978, In Search of the New Working Class: Automation and Social Integration Within the Capitalist Enterprise, New York: Cambridge University Press.

Part 1: Theories in conflict
1. Automation and social integration within the capitalist enterprise
2. The research strategy

Part 2: The attitudes and aspirations of the work force
3. Salaries
4. Work and work organization
5. The perception of management
6. The legitimacy of managerial power

Part 3: The structure of managerial power
7. The machinery of participation
8. Participation and the image of management: interpretation
9. The control of work performance

Part 4: The unions
10, The theory and strategy of the trade unkions
11. Union strength and coercive power

Part 5: Conclusion
12. Mangerial strategies, the unions and the social integration of the work force
