Aidt, Toke S. and Zafiris Tzannatos, "Trade Unions, Collective Bargaining and Macroeconomic Performance: A Review", (2008)

Aidt, Toke S.*1 and Zafiris Tzannatos, 2008, "Trade Unions, Collective Bargaining and Macroeconomic Performance: A Review", Industrial Relations Journal, 39(4): 258-295.

Coordination through collective bargaining is recognised as an influential determinant of labour market outcomes and macroeconomic performance. This article provides a systematic review of the empirical literature on the subject. What emerges from the review is that it is different types and coverage of bargaining coordination, rather than cross-country variation in trade union density, that matter for economic performance. High levels of bargaining coverage tend to be associated with relatively poor economic performance, but this adverse relationship can be at least mitigated by high levels of bargaining coordination. In the absence of formal bargaining arrangements, economies often develop informal bargaining mechanisms whose effects are similar to those arising from formal bargaining provided they both operate at similar levels of coordination. The consequences of labour market coordination or absence thereof depend on the monetary policy regime as non-accommodating monetary policy can eliminate some of the adverse unemployment consequences otherwise associated with industry-level collective bargaining. Finally, bargaining coordination seems to matter most in times of rapid economic change rather than under more stable conditions. Overall, we conclude that it is the total ‘package’ of (formal and informal) labour market institutions that matters for the performance of the economy rather than unionisation as such or individual aspects of unionism.



  1. 組合組織率は経済的パフォーマンスに影響しないが、集合的合意の適用率の高さは、相対的に悪いパフォーマンスと結びつく。また、調整された交渉システムを持つ国の経済的パフォーマンスやよい。しかしそれが当てはまるのは1970〜1980年の間だけであり、全体的に言って"hump hypothesis"は支持されない。
  2. 集合的交渉の異なる側面は、相互に影響を与えながら、経済的パフォーマンスに効果を及ぼす。たとえば、よく調整された集合的交渉は、高い交渉適用率が失業に与えるネガティブな効果を減少させる。また、インフォーマルな調整や、金融政策も重要である。
  3. 交渉の調整がマクロ経済的パフォーマンスに与える影響は、急激な経済的、社会的変化の時代において重要となる。
  4. 相対的に検討されていない領域は、金融政策と交渉調整の間の相互作用である。


*1:University Senior Lecturer and Fellow of Jesus College, University of Cambridge, Political Economics