Brown, William, et al. eds., The Evolution of the Modern Workplace, (2009)


The Evolution of the Modern Workplace

The Evolution of the Modern Workplace

  • 作者: William Brown,Alex Bryson,John Forth,Keith Whitfield
  • 出版社/メーカー: Cambridge University Press
  • 発売日: 2009/08/27
  • メディア: ハードカバー
  • この商品を含むブログを見る

The last thirty years have seen the world of work transformed in Britain. Manufacturing and nationalized industries contracted and private services expanded. Employment became more diverse. Trade union membership collapsed. Collective bargaining disappeared from much of the private sector, as did strikes. This was accompanied by the rise of human resource management and new employment practices. The law, once largely absent, increasingly became a dominant influence. The experience of work has become more pressured. The Evolution of the Modern Workplace provides an authoritative account and analysis of these changes and their consequences. Its main source is the five Workplace Employment Relations Surveys that were conducted at roughly five-year intervals between 1980 and 2004. Drawing on this unique source of data, a team of internationally renowned scholars show how the world of the workplace has changed, and why it has changed, for both workers and employers.


1. Researching the changing workplace
2. Competition and the retreat from collective bargaining
3. Trade union decline and the economics of the workplace
4. Employee representation
5. Voice at the workplace: where do we find it, why is it there and where is it going?
6. From industrial relations to human resource management: the changing role of the personnel function
7. High involvement management
8. Conflict at work: the changing pattern of disputes
9. Employees' experience of work
10. Equality and diversity at work
11. The changing use of contingent pay at the modern British workplace
12. Foreign ownership and industrial relations
13. The public sector in transition
14. Legal regulation and the changing workplace
15. Conclusion: the evolutionary process


この本は、1980年から2004年まで、計5回実施されたWorkplace Employment Relations Surveysを利用して、イギリスにおける仕事の世界の変化とその結果を分析する。労働者と雇用主の双方にとって、職場がどのように変化したのか、なぜ変化したのかを明らかにしている。

