In-Young Jung, "Social assistance in nine OECD countries", (2007)

Jung, In-Young, 2007, "Social assistance in nine OECD countries", Paper prepared for the 4th East Asian Social Policy research network (EASP) Conference: Restructuring Care Responsibility - Dynamics of Welfare Mix in East Asia, University of Tokyo, Japan, 20-21 October 2007.

As a form of social security, means-tested social assistance has acquired an increasing importance in the comparative literature on welfare states. Although there is a growing number of international and comparative studies of East Asian social policy, relatively little attention has been paid to social assistance schemes in this region. This paper makes an effort to step into some of the gaps. It compares social assistance in Korea with that in Japan and seven European countries in terms of expenditure and claimant numbers, conditions of eligibility and entitlement, and benefit levels. This forms the basis to locate Korea within social assistance regime theory. Compared with other countries, the Korean assistance scheme can be characterised by a rather marginal, national, general model with strict eligibility and entitlement rules and relatively low benefit levels. The study also found that the Korean scheme contains elements of British, Portuguese and Japanese models.




