Williams, Mark, "Occupations and British Wage Inequality, 1970s–2000s", (2013)

Williams, Mark, 2013, "Occupations and British Wage Inequality, 1970s–2000s", European Sociological Review, 29(4): 841-857.

Although there was a ‘massive rise’ in British wage inequality, relatively little is known about the relationship between occupations and growing British wage inequality. Since sociologists traditionally have tended to place a great deal of emphasis on occupations, we might expect them to play a key role in accounting for trends in overall British wage inequality. More recent strands of stratification theory, however, have challenged the idea that occupations structure economic inequalities as well as they once did, and argue that the link between occupations and wages might have been weakening; instead predicting that growing wage inequality mostly occurs within occupations. We decompose trends in British wage inequality into between-occupation and within-occupation components and show that, although most wage inequality is within occupations, it is inequality between occupations that accounts for the lion's share of growing wage inequality. Trends in between-occupation inequality cannot be ‘explained away’ by fundamental labour market changes such as rising educational attainment and the decline in collective bargaining, indicating occupations really did structure the ‘massive rise’ in wage inequality. We also demonstrate what the rise in between-occupation inequality can be more or less described as growing between-class inequality.




1975~2008年のNew Earnings Survey/Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (NES)を使って、近年のイギリスの賃金格差の拡大が、職業間で起こったのか、職業内で起こったのかを検証する論文。1975年から、職業間格差、職業内格差は両方拡大したが、その格差拡大をもたらした大きな要因は職業間賃金格差であることを示す(つまり、職業間格差の方が大きく拡大した、ということ)。


職業間の格差がいかなる要因によって拡大したかを確かめるために、職業×時点をかけあわせて職業レベルのデータを用いて、Labour Force Surveyから職業レベルの変数を挿入し、分析。職業間の格差拡大は、コントロール変数(人的資本、経済セクターの変化、制度変化(集合的交渉の範囲)、人口動態的変化(性別、パートタイム、移民など))では説明されないことを示す。

おもしろい分析だし、日本のデータでもやってみたいと思う。ただ、「なぜ職業間で格差が拡大したか」の説明がなかった。むしろ、「雇用関係の個人化」仮説による職業内格差の拡大、という予想とは 反対の結果。職業間の賃金格差が拡大したことの理由が知りたいと思った。


Savage, Mike, et al., "A new model of social class? Findings from the BBC's Great Class Survey experiment", (2013)

Savage, Mike, Fiona Devine, Niall Cunningham, Mark Taylor, Yaojun Li, Johs. Hjellbrekke, Brigitte Le Roux, Sam Friedman, and Andrew Miles, 2013, "A new model of social class? Findings from the BBC’s Great Class Survey experiment", Sociology 47(2): 219-50.

The social scientific analysis of social class is attracting renewed interest given the accentuation of economic and social inequalities throughout the world. The most widely validated measure of social class, the Nuffield class schema, developed in the 1970s, was codified in the UK’s National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC) and places people in one of seven main classes according to their occupation and employment status. This principally distinguishes between people working in routine or semi-routine occupations employed on a ‘labour contract’ on the one hand, and those working in professional or managerial occupations employed on a ‘service contract’ on the other. However, this occupationally based class schema does not effectively capture the role of social and cultural processes in generating class divisions. We analyse the largest survey of social class ever conducted in the UK, the BBC’s 2011 Great British Class Survey, with 161,400 web respondents, as well as a nationally representative sample survey, which includes unusually detailed questions asked on social, cultural and economic capital. Using latent class analysis on these variables, we derive seven classes. We demonstrate the existence of an ‘elite’, whose wealth separates them from an established middle class, as well as a class of technical experts and a class of ‘new affluent’ workers. We also show that at the lower levels of the class structure, alongside an ageing traditional working class, there is a ‘precariat’ characterised by very low levels of capital, and a group of emergent service workers. We think that this new seven class model recognises both social polarisation in British society and class fragmentation in its middle layers, and will attract enormous interest from a wide social scientific community in offering an up-to-date multi-dimensional model of social class.


国を代表するサンプル調査と、イギリスで実施された最大規模の社会階級に関する調査である、BBCの2011年のGreat British Class Surveyを分析した。この調査はウェブ上で161,400人の回答を得ており、質問項目には、社会的、文化的、そして経済的資本を捉える通常よりも詳細な質問を含んでいる。これらの変数を用いて潜在クラス分析を行い、7つの階級を引き出した。我々は、これまでの中間階級とは富のレベルが非常に異なる「エリート」、技術的エキスパート階級、「新しい豊かな」労働者階級の存在を実証した。また、階級構造における下位には、老いる伝統的な労働者階級とともに、非常に低いレベルの資本で特徴付けられる「プレカリアート」と、新しく現れつつあるサービス労働者の集団がいることがわかった。これらの新しい7つの階級モデルは、イギリス社会の社会的分極化と、その中間層における階級の断片化を捉えている。そして、社会階級のアップデートされた多次元的なモデルを提供することで、広い社会経済的コミュニティから大きな関心を集めるだろう。

ロンドンスクール・オブ・エコノミクスのMike Savageらによる論文。BBCによって実施された大規模なインターネット調査を使って、社会的、文化的、経済的資本の多寡を考慮して、新しい階級図式を提案。用いている方法は、潜在クラス分析で、分析の結果から、7つの階級を引き出す。



  • Bradley, Harriet, 2014, "Class Descriptors or Class Relations? Thoughts Towards a Critique of Savage et al.", Sociology, 48(3): 429-436.
  • Mills, Colin, 2014, "The Great British Class Fiasco: A Comment on Savage et al.", Sociology, 48(3): 437-444.



Checchi, Daniele and Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa, "Labour Market Institutions and the Personal Distribution of Income in the OECD", (2010)

Checchi, Daniele and Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa, 2010, "Labour Market Institutions and the Personal Distribution of Income in the OECD", Economica, 77: 413-450.

A large literature has studied the impact of labour market institutions on wage inequality, but their effect on income inequality has received little attention. This paper argues that personal income inequality depends on the wage differential, the labour share and the unemployment rate. Labour market institutions affect income inequality through these three channels, and their overall effect is theoretically ambiguous. We use a panel of OECD countries for the period 1960-2000 to examine these effects. We find that greater unionization and greater wage bargaining coordination have opposite effects on inequality, implying conflicting effects of greater union presence on income inequality.




他の関連文献(OECD Employment Outlookなど)も示唆しているように、労働組合の効果を考える時、「高い組織率」と「調整された賃金交渉」を分けて考えなければならない。


Fourcade, Marion and Kieran Healy, "Classification situations: Life-chances in the neoliberal era", (2013)

Fourcade, Marion and Kieran Healy, 2013, "Classification situations: Life-chances in the neoliberal era", Accounting, Organizations and Society, 38 (2013) 559-572.

This article examines the stratifying effects of economic classifications. We argue that in the neoliberal era market institutions increasingly use actuarial techniques to split and sort individuals into classification situations that shape life-chances. While this is a general and increasingly pervasive process, our main empirical illustration comes from the transformation of the credit market in the United States. This market works as both as a leveling force and as a condenser of new forms of social difference. The U.S. banking and credit system has greatly broadened its scope over the past twenty years to incorporate previously excluded groups. We observe this leveling tendency in the expansion of credit amongst lower-income households, the systematization of overdraft protections, and the unexpected and rapid growth of the fringe banking sector. But while access to credit has democratized, it has also differentiated. Scoring technologies classify and price people according to credit risk. This has allowed multiple new distinctions to be made amongst the creditworthy, as scores get attached to different interest rates and loan structures. Scores have also expanded into markets beyond consumer credit, such as insurance, real estate, employment, and elsewhere. The result is a cumulative pattern of advantage and disadvantage with both objectively measured and subjectively experienced aspects. We argue these private classificatory tools are increasingly central to the generation of ‘‘market-situations’’, and thus an important and overlooked force that structures individual life-chances. In short, classification situations may have become the engine of modern class situations.

Addison, John T., Ralph W. Bailey and W. Stanley Siebert, "The Impact of Deunionisation on Earnings Dispersion Revisited", (2007)

Addison, John T., Ralph W. Bailey and W. Stanley Siebert, 2007, "The Impact of Deunionisation on Earnings Dispersion Revisited", Research in Labor Economics, Volume 26, 337-363.

This paper examines the effects of union change in Britain on changes in earnings dispersion 1983-1995. We investigate not only the decline in union density but also the greater wage compression among unionised workers, as well as changes in union density across skill groups. For the private sector, we find that deunionisation accounts for little of the increase in earnings dispersion. What unions have lost on the swings (lower density), they have gained on the roundabouts (greater wage compression). But for the public sector we find strong effects, because unions are increasingly organising the more skilled. This change in the character of public sector unions means that they no longer reduce earnings variation nearly as much as they once did.


労働組合がイギリスの賃金格差の拡大に対して持つインパクトを、wage gapとvariance gapという2つの側面から捉えて、1983年から1995年の賃金格差の拡大を要因分解している。組合の組織率が一定であったときに、賃金格差はどれくらい広がるか、というような、反事実的な仮定を用いて、組合が格差拡大に与える寄与率を計算。




Chen, Wen-Hao, Michael Förster and Ana Llena-Nozal, "Determinants of Household Earnings Inequality: The Role of Labour Market Trends and Changing Household Structure", (2013)

Chen, Wen-Hao, Michael Förster and Ana Llena-Nozal, 2013, "Determinants of Household Earnings Inequality: The Role of Labour Market Trends and Changing Household Structure", LIS Working Paper Series, no. 591.

This article assesses various underlying driving factors for the evolution of household earnings inequality for 23 OECD countries from the mid-1980s to the mid-2000s. There are a number of factors at play. Some are related to labour market trends - increasing dispersion of individual wages and changes in men’s and women’s employment rates. Others relate to shifts in household structures and family formation - more single-headed households and increased earnings correlation among partners in couples. The contribution of each of these factors is estimated using a semi parametric decomposition technique. The results reveal that marital sorting and household structure changes contributed, albeit moderately, to increasing household earnings inequality, while rising women’s employment exerted a sizable equalising effect. However, changes in labour market factors, in particular increases in men’s earnings disparities, were identified as the main driver of household earnings inequality, contributing between one-third and one-half to the overall increase in most countries. Sensitivity analysis applying a reversed-order decomposition suggests that these results are robust.

