Gornick, Janet and Markus Jäntti, Income Inequality: Economic Disparities and the Middle Class in Affluent Countries, (2013)

Income Inequality: Economic Disparities and the Middle Class in Affluent Countries (Studies in Social Inequality)

Income Inequality: Economic Disparities and the Middle Class in Affluent Countries (Studies in Social Inequality)

PART I: Income: Trends in Household Income Inequality
Chapter 1: How has income inequality grown? The reshaping of the income distribution in LIS countries

PART II: The middle class: The middle class in the income distribution
Chapter 2: On the identification of the middle class
Chapter 3: Has rising inequality reduced middle-class income growth?
Chapter 4: Welfare regimes, cohorts, and the middle classes

PART III: Politics: Inequality, political behavior, and public opinion
Chapter 5: Political sources of government redistribution in high-income countries
Chapter 6: Income distribution, inequality perceptions, and redistributive preferences in European countries

PART IV: Employment: Women's work, inequality, and the economic status of families
Chapter 7: Women's employment and household income inequality
Chapter 8: Women's employment, unpaid work, and economic inequality
Chapter 9: Women's work, family earnings, and public policy

PART V: Wealth: The distribution of assets and debt
Chapter 10: The distribution of assets and debt
Chapter 11: The joint distribution of income and wealth
chapter 12: The fourth retirement pillar in rich countries
Chapter 13: Public pension entitlements and the distribution of wealth

PART VI: Country case studies: Inequality in Japan, Iceland, India, and South Africa
Chapter 14: Income and wealth inequality in Japan
Chapter 15: Income inequality in boom and bust: A tale from Iceland's bubble economy
Chapter 16: Horizontal and vertical inequalities in India
Chapter 17: Post-apartheid changes in South African inequality



この本に所収された17の章は、Luxemburg Income Study(LIS)データベースのミクロデータを使用している。比較研究を構造化するためにLISデータを用いて、21世紀の初めの豊かな国々における不平等の複雑な姿を捉える。また、日本、アイスランド、インド、南アフリカという、新しくLISデータベースに参加した国の不平等に関する新しい研究も含んでいる。

